
Me: Can I borrow yours?(I pointed out her pen)

Mich: What???

Me: Can I borrow a pen from you?

Mich: What????? You are a student and you don't have a pen with you???

Me: So you wanna fail me?


Mich is a difficult lady who is also my clinical coordinator that she could never clearly tell me what I have to do as a clerk.


The first time I called her for more Info, she promised she would send me a student manaul by the end of that day.

Result: No documentation until two days after.

Followed the student manual, I have to complete medical clearance then call them when I'm done.

I completed and wrote her email.

She replied me two days after, and told me I have to watch HIPPA video. (Wed)

Me: But I have whole-day classes until 6:30 p.m., and I may not be able to make it, if there is any solution that I could fix this problem.


Mich: You have to complete HIPPA video first, then we will go to next steps.

(What?? There are other steps??) 

Mich: What are other steps??

Mich: Call me when you done.

(What??? Why don't you just tell me what next steps are??)


Thur morning

What I understood from her email on Thur. morning was:

No HIPPA, No ID. No ID, No clinical instructor.


Thur afternoon

Mich: You cannot begin your affiliation tomorrow



If HIPPA thing is so important, why don't you put that in the student manual you sent me?

How would I be possible to miss it if that is written on my student manual?


Very irresponsible.


Yesterday, someone was late for presentation for half an hour.

By the way, that presentation has no points.


Mich asked me to talk to her and she brought me to a tiny room.

First, I'm not polite and I gave her very bad first impression. Such as lateness, poor attitudes could cause bad first impression..

(Yeah right....Who was the one coming late this morning?)

(Come on, whose fault is that? Who stopped me from beginning my fieldwork?)


You can't wear green scrub.

We are not allowed to wear in green.

Hospital has restriced regulation that only surgery could wear in green

(Why didn't you tell me that if this is so important to the hospital? Why you put me in such a difficult situation?)

(So?? You want me to take off my cloth ? What do you want me to do?)


不要只會靠腰不會做事 要拿老師的姿態壓我 也要拿出老師解決問題的能力 只會靠腰不算是教育者

動不動就威脅要當掉我 然後說不是針對我

我懂。 都是為了我好。我了解。




做人處世的道理 也許我很衝動不夠圓滑

但妳做事情的態度和能力 比我一個學生還要差


只會動不動就威脅要把學生當掉 但自己遲到 然後presentation沒有重點的人



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